I am a graduating PhD candidate in computer graphics at Washington University in St. Louis, under the supervision of Prof. Tao Ju. During my doctoral work, I focused on procedural geometry analysis for various applications, including maize root systems and cancer tissue. I have made innovative contributions to computer graphics modeling, specifically by devising methods to generate more robust geometric models represented by multiple implicit functions or neural networks. Currently, I am collaborating with Adobe Research to develop an innovative method for generating more precise swept volumes to address challenges in robotics, autonomous driving, and AR/VR drawing.

I graduated from Washington University in Saint Louis in 2021 with double Majors in Computer Science and Mathematics.

📝 Publications


Adaptive Grid Generation for Discretizing Implicit Complexes

Yiwen Ju, Xingyi Du, Qingnan Zhou, Nathan Carr, Tao Ju

Project Code

  • The method generates a simplicial grid for adaptive discretization of implicit complexes, extending beyond implicit surfaces to represent non-smooth, non-manifold structures.

  • Unlike existing techniques, it adapts to both surfaces and their lower-dimensional intersections, improving accuracy and detail preservation.

  • It supports implicit surface arrangements, CSG shapes, material interfaces, and curve networks, enhancing versatility in geometric modeling.

  • The approach enables efficient, high-fidelity discretization for applications in graphics, material science, and simulations.

PlantMethods 2024

TopoRoot+: Computing Whorl and Soil Line Traits of Maize Roots from CT Imaging

Yiwen Ju, Alexander E. Liu, Kenan Oestreich, Christopher N. Topp, Tao Ju


  • Performs Fine-grained root trait extraction based on TopoRoot and provides detailed architectural traits (e.g., root number, length, thickness, angle, hierarchy) from 3D maize root CT images, addressing gaps in existing methods.

  • Outperforms existing methods on real and simulated root images, improving precision in trait measurement.

  • Demonstrated utility in differentiating root mutants from wild types, aiding genetic studies of root architecture and crop productivity.

PlantMethods 2024

TopoRoot: a method for computing hierarchy and fine-grained traits of maize roots from 3D imaging

Dan Zeng, Mao Li, Ni Jiang, Yiwen Ju, Hannah Schreiber, Erin Chambers, David Letscher, Tao Ju & Christopher N. Topp


  • Computes fine-grained root traits (e.g., number, length, thickness, angle, tortuosity, branching) from 3D images.

  • Uses topological simplification, geometric skeletonization, and customized heuristics to improve accuracy.

  • Validated on real and simulated maize root images, outperforming existing methods.

  • Runs autonomously within minutes on a desktop with minimal human input.

  • Enables large-scale phenomic studies for genetic research and crop productivity improvements.

📖 Educations

  • 2021.01 - Now, Ph.D. in Computer Science, Washington University in Saint Louis
  • 2017.09 - 2021.01, B.E. in Computer Science, Washington University in Saint Louis
  • 2017.09 - 2021.01 Major in Mathematics, Washington University in Saint Louis

💬 Invited Talks

  • 2024.08, Implicit Surface Networks nTop
  • 2024.07, Adaptive Grid Generation for Discretizing Implicit Complexes Siggraph

💻 Internships

  • 2024.05 - 2024.08, Research Engineer/Scientist Intern Adobe
  • 2018.05 - 2018.08, Software Engineer Intern NCR